Tuesday 27 March 2012

Why I Love Learning

Why I love Learning

It expands me. It helps me grow in understanding and compassion. The special relationship between the teacher, the information conveyed, and the student is something that is almost inexplicable. When the ah-ha moment, or when the pieces are put together in the student's mind that makes her see things differently, more clearly, more compassionately, the student is forever changed. Life becomes lighter, easier, funnier and more enjoyable.

The knowledge I like to gain is usually as a tool for service to others – somewhat practical. Even in the spiritual realm of learning how to spiritually listen and connect has a very useful application when working with others in the areas of healing and doing readings. And the satisfaction of knowing that there is more to this world than what meets the eye is such a great revelation through this type of learning.

I’m not interested in learning simply to gain recognition or credentials. Rather, I love learning because it is inspiring, energizing, exciting and opens new doors of possibilities. Learning dispels limited thinking, and brings new focus or energy – making my reality a safer, more loving and humorous place to live.

I can get into the trap of reading, going to classes and staying in my cave of hoarding, without applying or sharing what I’m gaining. I’ve always seen myself as a student rather than a teacher. But I’m discovering that this is one and the same, for eventually the student needs to share and apply the knowledge. This is where the true satisfaction shows itself.

When learning is lined up with Love, so much can happen in one’s inner and outer world, making a clear mind that enjoys the process of life’s unfolding, not seeing something as good or bad but rather to be understood, embraced and cherished for what it is. For a genuine-hearted student, learning is a subtle process of digging within herself to find and reveal the answers, seeing if they fit into her life experiences. Even though many know that 1 + 1 = 2 , it takes a special person to know how to carry this knowledge into so many other areas of life and seeing through that lens of simple truth. Life gets to flow with a grace and clarity unbeknownst to the one who is seeing the world through unenquiring eyes of confusion.

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