Sunday 8 May 2011



For each day I wake up to the sound of mourning doves,

I give You thanks.

And ask

that I may smell the pine trees again

enrapture in the crickets

cuddle the purr of my cat

and feel the crunch of the snow beneath my feet

I am blessed to have received heartened words in a letter

To have suffered through the pains of hopelessness,

only to come through , with Your resurging power

Knowing I am Loved by You

and indeed Love has always been peeking behind ironwork doors and crumbling buildings

There is Love in each natural design

There is a sacred purpose to this walk.

To love You. To feel You. To know You.

With peaceful nights You've given me the splendour to witness my youthful faults,

to understand the historical nature of All and my humanity

This is the peace you promised me

This is the peace I've been seeking.

With infinite wonder, thank you, Dear God, for showing me Your Way.

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