Sunday 8 May 2011

God puts hearts...

God put hearts in each of our bodies,
protecting us by the toughness of earth,
so it can grow and expand with the stellar system,
let the light of delight exude through the plane,
bliss permeating our entire body,
so we may lift away from all earthly dilemmas and be enraptured
by the connection of heavenly substance.

Oaxaqueno Mountain

Oaxaqueño Mountain

No Trespassing

to the obvious mountain,

so inviting with lush trees

though a blessing you're of the untouched

but I confess, my spirit kissed your peak,

so gentle you didn't even notice.

even if my two eyes never grace you again,

you can be assured I will do a quick sweep over, encircle you, embrace you

before I return to my Creator

and you will continue forth as the eternally endeared

steady, summit reminder for all us earthly crawlers.

Eternal Quest

Eternal Quest

When I was standing on sandy ground

In the middle of ancient ruins

I wondered

How is it the shapes of the clouds look different here?

And the smell of the landscape?

How is it that humans have built this?

And why?

The eagle overhead simply soared

How do I get there, instead of staying way down here?

This was when I added my name to the lang human quest for the immortal—

The transcendent –or better, ascendant –

From this limited, yet infinite, being.

Spiritual Freedom

Spiritual Freedom

I imagine my soul will be lifted by my Life

To an endless dance with daisies,

Where I can float between the stars and the earth

At Will,

In the hush of a dewy night,

Swimming in glee,

Shouting "yippee!"

While old men snooze in rocking chairs,


And I bumble and somersault in thick clouds with free abandon

Yes, that's what they call True Spirit!


Love weighs as thick fog


Yet can be captured by sccopfuls in butterfly nets

If lucky,

It's shared in still swirls

The fullness lasting forever.


Orchestrate between blades of sundried summerly grass

A few chirp beneath fallen leaves

Sing melodies despite

Inevitable cosmic seasonal transitions—

Lulling us as if tonight's normal is eternal.

The Cat's Play

Cat's Play

Newton imitated the leap of his prey—

An absurd sight of a furred beast doing

A cricket hop here, a cricket hop there

Through the tall grass on a bright starry night

Ah, the clear mind to enjoy this simply silly joy of a cat!

The Pure Dream

The Pure Dream

Will transforms the elements of the Universe,

Where your Spirit tumbles into my ears and out my nose,

as a refreshing jaunt in autumnal woods of the mind.

Paradise explodes wonders

Regardless of a passing time

Through the flesh is marked in its numbered days

Yet, what forces are built up

Over a lifetime from giving and

loving and caring and Seeing!

To set the scales straight

In hopes of dissipating to a higher level

Striving to unblock energy that stagnates in

Old arteries of Nations and

Households and

Monstrous churches

To set free the suppression

so other innocent souls

can flourish

without gunshots, torments or realized nightmares—

so we are able to see our existence as

A big cradle in Mother God's arms,

Shhing us to sleep

Then we can help

the fruit trees grow so

All are nourished by the next day's dream without

fear of evolution or the onslaught of pain

In this vision of simple comfort,

we will see our sacred connection,

where the Star above,

not the buffoon on the ground,

Is where our puppet strings ascend

And our hearts can walk enlightened into His eternal imagination.



For each day I wake up to the sound of mourning doves,

I give You thanks.

And ask

that I may smell the pine trees again

enrapture in the crickets

cuddle the purr of my cat

and feel the crunch of the snow beneath my feet

I am blessed to have received heartened words in a letter

To have suffered through the pains of hopelessness,

only to come through , with Your resurging power

Knowing I am Loved by You

and indeed Love has always been peeking behind ironwork doors and crumbling buildings

There is Love in each natural design

There is a sacred purpose to this walk.

To love You. To feel You. To know You.

With peaceful nights You've given me the splendour to witness my youthful faults,

to understand the historical nature of All and my humanity

This is the peace you promised me

This is the peace I've been seeking.

With infinite wonder, thank you, Dear God, for showing me Your Way.



For each day I wake up to the sound of mourning doves,

I give You thanks.

And ask

that I may smell the pine trees again

enrapture in the crickets

cuddle the purr of my cat

and feel the crunch of the snow beneath my feet

I am blessed to have received heartened words in a letter

To have suffered through the pains of hopelessness,

only to come through , with Your resurging power

Knowing I am Loved by You

and indeed Love has always been peeking behind ironwork doors and crumbling buildings

There is Love in each natural design

There is a sacred purpose to this walk.

To love You. To feel You. To know You.

With peaceful nights You've given me the splendour to witness my youthful faults,

to understand the historical nature of All and my humanity

This is the peace you promised me

This is the peace I've been seeking.

With infinite wonder, thank you, Dear God, for showing me Your Way.