Sunday 13 March 2011

After that nothing was the same...

We sat there, dumbfounded and yet open to every possibility. Staring through the windowshield, the raindrops linger and then roll away.

Our thoughts race down the road to a place past the apple orchards of unrequited affairs, where we can be at last be alone with each other.

I stare into his eyes, quivering with conflicting glances within, upwards and far away. "We should just forget about this, shouldn't we?" Our eyes tell each other, "just continue on as friends, as if nothing happened...walk past each other in the hallways and say "hello" and "it's a nice day, isn't it?"

The beating of our hearts bounce off the windows--echoing to the pine trees 20 feet away . To pretend we didn't feel the dreams and wishes pass between our lips would mean becoming cold and professional, fitting ourselves into dark blue business suits with boring grey ties.

We can't stop the Truth! This madness of living without a heart has been circulating throughout humanity for far too long. Even if we're ostracized, condemned or beaten. This world needs to know -- we love each other!

And it will move the mountains of the dead and hardened perceptions--pushing them to unfold the ways that couples are to look and be.

We can shatter all delusions. We will do it together.

His hand touches my leg. I can't resist and yet I know better.

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